Thursday, December 15, 2011

Can you spend more than your credit card limit?

I am trying to pay for summer courses, i have a 2000 dollar credit limit and i have 600 left but i need another 800. Can i withdraw more than my credit limit.|||no you cannot, if you did, you would be charged big fees! but you can ask them to increase your limit...|||Certainly! The CC companies love people who do that. They make $billions off people who cannot manage their financial obligations. Expect to pay about $40 per month that you are over your limit. The high fee is designed to keep you over your limit as long as possilbe because they know you don't have the money (or you wouldn't be going over your limit in the first place).|||Most likely, not.

If you did, however, do this and they let you, expect a huge over the limit fee and they would expect whatever you went over the limit to be paid back the following billing cycle as well as your minimum payment.

It will also tank your score.|||No,....better deposit some amount in your card acct immediately n plan/make the payments.|||YES WE CAN GET MORE THEN THAT, I EVEN CAN TEACH YOU,HOW TO USE CREDIT CARD YOU DONT OWN, EHEHE ...

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