Thursday, December 15, 2011

How can i write a letter to the bank to further increase my credit limit?

Can anyone help me write a letter to give the bank so that they can increase my credit limit.

i only have 1000$ on my credit limit, most of the time I reach that amount for only a week.|||I don't think the letter has to be anything special. Just contact them again and ask if there has to be any special information in the letter (like SSN, account number, etc) and then write a letter asking for a limit increase.

That being said, from your statement it sounds like you are too reliant on this credit card. If you are using almost $1,000 of someone else's money in only a week it would seem (to me, at least) that better handling of your own money is in order. I don't recommend people even use credit cards and, if they do, to keep the utilization rate to no more than 10-20% ($100-$200 in your case).

The reason you *might* be denied for this request is they may look at your history and see that your utilization rate is close to 100% all the time, and if they increase your limit you might have a harder time paying back more money.|||If you have a stable pay schedule then all you have to do is call them up...I do it all the time. No need to send anything in writing|||Often times, online banking will have a button to press to request fill out a small form (including the desired total limit) and you press submit. Or you could call. Letters are great for disputes but for limit increase, you don't really need to do that.|||Usually you can call them, it's one of the options on the phone or online.|||Change your cedit card company to a better one that will allow a higher limit.

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